Department of Functionalized Natural Materials, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University 大阪大学 産業科学研究所 第2研究分門 自然材料機能化研究分野

Department of Functionalized Natural Materials, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University 大阪大学 産業科学研究所 第2研究分門 自然材料機能化研究分野

Photo composition / 写真の構図

2019/11/20 nogi

Which picture is the more impressive?

Don’t take a picture from the center or front.
The composition always keep leaning, sloping or diagonal.
Not straight !!
“the object is out of the frame” is also effective !!

Which picture is the most impressive?


Insert some objects, which tells the size

Good picture !!

@ Not the straight composition (red)
@ A hand tells us the sample size (blue)
@ Dynamic motion due to the unstable composition (green)
@ Dynamic motion due to the out of the frame (orange)
@ one more point. see the next..

Rule of Thirds

It is too difficult to explain.
Let’s ask Google



© Department of Functionalized Natural Materials ISIR, Osaka University